It’s August? It Was Just April!!!


It’s August already?

It’s August already?  It was just April!  Time is moving quicker than ever & so am I!  I have my usual 8 jobs, yes, I really do, plus before you know it, my yearly, 1-time ONLY variety show will be here! ‘Homer Lee & Friends Variety Show’  This is a fundraiser for 3 charities.  This is why I am asking everyone who comes to this all-star event to bring a nonperishable food item to help us stock the shelves of Riley’s Food Bank.   I’ll be there of course with all my comedy antics, plus Clay Cooper, Bob Hubbard of the Foggy River Boys, Bucky Heard, Kelly Smith of Legends In Concert, Jamie Haage of the Grand Jubilee, Cliff Braschler, Dylan Pratt, The Homestead Pickers from Silver Dollar City, & a ton of surprises!  As a matter of fact, “Surprise” is the theme of my show this year!  On top of all of that, I’ll have some give aways & did I tell you I’ll have a ton of SURPRISES? 



So don’t for get call NOW for the best seats, my shows ALWAYS sell-out!  This month you can find me at Silver Dollar City 5 days a week as 4 characters a day, Big Cedar Lodge in my hour-long wagon ride as ‘Deputy Birdy’, the Shepherd of the Hills play as ‘Ollie’ or ‘Doc’, The Muscular Dystrophy Association as ‘Barney Fife’, the Baker Creek Seed Company on Sunday, August 2nd 10 AM – 4 PM in Mansfield, MO., on TV on the Vacation Channel all the time, Kelly’s Kountry Junction on DISH Network so check your local listings/times, & personal appearance as well! 

Silver Dollar City ~

'W.P. Warburton' the warden of Silver Dollar City


'Colonel Paisley Parnell'

‘Colonel Paisley Parnell’



'Mr. M. Balmer' SDC's undertaker

‘Mr. M. Balmer’ SDC’s undertaker



'Doc Harris' - genius!

‘Doc Harris’ – genius!















Big Cedar Lodge ~  

'Deputy Birdy Tweedle'

‘Deputy Birdy Tweedle’










Shepherd of the Hills Play ~







'Doc' who's catch-phrase is, "What would Sarah & the girls say?"

‘Doc’ who’s catch-phrase is, “What would Sarah & the girls say?”











The Muscular Dystrophy Association ~

Joy & 'Barney' at the MDA 'Lock-Up'

Joy & ‘Barney’ at the MDA ‘Lock-Up’










The Vacation Channel ~ 

'/Terry the Tour Guide' on The Vacation Channel - Branson

‘/Terry the Tour Guide’ on The Vacation Channel – Branson











Kelly’s Kountry Junction ~ 








Personal Appearances ~ 










New for AUGUST ~ 

Wednesday, August 19th I’ll be ‘Barney Fife’ for the MDA Lock-Up here in Branson at the Starlight Theatre on Hwy. 76 from 10 AM – 3 PM. 

Barney for MDA

Barney for MDA











I have been cast is short feature film that will premiere Friday, August 28th in Grove, OK!  ‘Martha Betterfield’s Sweet Southern Attitude’.  I’ll be there for the event on the red carpet at the Grove Cinema 6 at 8 PM!  






Social Media ~

Keep up with me on social media!  I LOVE Facebook so you can see my at;

Terry Wayne Sanders






Ada Mae

'Miss Ada Mae Wheeler'

‘Miss Ada Mae Wheeler’










Branson’s Tour Guide

BTG Web Header805




Thanks for dropping in!  I hope to see you here in Branson or at one of my personal appearances!  Don’t forget to get tickets to my 1-time ONLY variety show for Sunday, September 13th at 3 PM at the Hamners’ Variety Theatre here in Branson!










Terry ‘Homer Lee’ Sanders 














































The EVENT of the YEAR!!!


Get your tickets NOW!

This is my 3rd year in a row to have my 1-time ONLY ‘Homer Lee & Friends Variety Show’!  This all-star cast is getting together to help put 3 local charities, so don’t forget to bring a non-perishable food item to help stock Riley’s Food Bank!  Call NOW because my shows SELL-OUT!


Get Your tickets NOW!!!


The Event of the year!

Get your tickets now for my 1-time ONLY ‘Homer Lee & friends Variety Show’ on Sunday, September 13th at Hamners’ Variety Theatre!  This is my 3rd year in a row to do this fundraiser & these shows ALWAYS sell-out!   This year I have Clay Cooper, the Homestead Pickers from Silver Dollar City, Bob Hubbard, Jamie Haage, Cliff Braschler, Bucky Heard, Kelly Smith, Dylan Pratt, my characters, & a ton of surprises!  When you call 1-888-335-2080, tell them you know me & get a MAJOR discount!  That’s right!  Instead of paying the regular price of $34.00 (Plus tax), you’ll only pay $22.00 (Plus tax)!!!  We’ll see you there & remember to bring a non-perishable food item to help stock ‘Riley’s Food Bank’!  There will be prizes, give aways, & Much more to help out the charities Generation Next & Riley’s Treasures!


Jumping Into July!


Can you believe it’s already July!?!  Branson is in the middle of it’s season & WOW!  What a season it has been!  I’ve never been busier as a comedian in my 36 years here!

1 Time ONLY!!! 


In 2015 I have 8 jobs plus, I’ve added my annual 1-time ONLY ‘Homer Lee & Friends Variety Show’!  It will be Sunday, September 13th, at 3 PM in the Hamners’ Variety Theatre with an all-star cast!

Clay Cooper, the Homestead Pickers from Silver Dollar City, Cliff Braschler, Jamie Haage, Bob Hubbard, Bucky Heard, my menagerie of characters, & a ton of surprises!  Call 888-335-2080 & tell them you are a friend of mine & get a discount! That’s right, instead of paying $34.00, you’ll only pay $22.00! (Plus tax).

I make many personal appearances too!

Thursday, July 2nd I’ll film a portion of my ALL NEW show ‘Ozark Mountain Legacy’ on The Vacation Channel at Silver Dollar City with Mr. Jack Herschend!

Sunday, July 5th I’ll be playing several characters at the Baker Creek Seed Company in Mansfield, MO 10 AM – 4 PM.

Thursday, July 9th I’ll be ‘Barney Fife’ for the Muscular Dystrophy Association in West Plains, MO 9 AM-4 PM.

Silver Dollar City


This is my 36th season to perform at Silver Dollar City where I play 4 characters a day over the entire park!  Right now they are in the middle of their summer festival ‘Star Spangled Summer’ with the Harlem Globetrotters!  









Here I am as ‘W.P. Warburton’ the warden. 

'W.P. Warburton' the warden of Silver Dollar City









‘Mr. M. Balmer’ the undertaker.

'Mr. M. Balmer' SDC's undertaker

‘Mr. M. Balmer’ SDC’s undertaker










Colonel Paisley Alowishus Parnell ~ Banker.

'Colonel Paisley Parnell'

‘Colonel Paisley Parnell’










& as ‘Doc Harris’ 

'Doc Harris' - genius!


Big Cedar Lodge

Big Cedar Lodge




For the last 9 years I’ve worked at Big Cedar Lodge where I play ‘Deputy Birdy Tweedle’ in my hour-long campfire wagon ride!  Right now my rides are Mon., Tues., Wed., & Fri.. 

'Deputy Birdy Tweedle'

‘Deputy Birdy Tweedle’










Shepherd of the Hill Play

  For my 14th season, I’m in the Shepherd of the Hills play!  Our 2 sons are in the play also.  I play ‘Ollie’ the city slicker & ‘Doc’. Doc’s catch-phrase is “Well what would Sarah & the girls say?!?” Shepherd of the HIlls logo



'Doc' who's catch-phrase is, "What would Sarah & the girls say?"


The Vacation Channel

This is my 17th season on the Vacation Channel with my own hour-long TV show called ‘Branson Country’ & right now I’m filming an all new show for them called ‘Ozark Mountain Legacy’! Vacation Channel Logo

Terry the Tour Guide

Terry the Tour Guide












The Muscular Dystrophy Association






This is my 9th year to play ‘Barney Fife’ for the MDA & their ‘Lock-ups’!   

Joy & 'Barney' at the MDA 'Lock-Up'

Joy & ‘Barney’ at the MDA ‘Lock-Up’










Kelly’s Kountry Junction

This is another TV show that is filming near Joplin, MO & is now on Dish TV!  This is my 4th season playing multiple characters on this show! 








The Baker Creek Seed Company

This is my 9th season to be at the Baker Creek Seed Company the 1st Sunday of every month, March-Sept!

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds










As 'Deputy Birdy Tweedle' & Gabby

As ‘Deputy Birdy Tweedle’ & Gabby










The Baker Creek Seed Company offers so much!

The Baker Creek Seed Company offers so much!









Personal Appearances 

I make a ton of personal appearances & YOU can book me for your company functions too!










Social Media!










I love social media & you can find me on Facebook under the following pages;

Terry Wayne Sanders






Branson’s Tour Guide

BTG Web Header805




Ada Mae

'Miss Ada Mae Wheeler'

‘Miss Ada Mae Wheeler’










Thanks for dropping in friends & stay tuned, I have more BIG news for you!  Later this season I’ve been cast in a TV wester series call ‘Big Sky’.  More on that when I have the information!  



Terry ‘Homer Lee’ Sanders 







Just In Time For June!


June is here & so is the season for Branson vacations & visits!  This is my 36th season & I’ve never been busier!  8 jobs plus more personal appearances than ever before!




















Get Your Tickets NOW! 

For my 1-time ONLY variety show

Also don’t forget to get your tickets NOW for my 3rd year in a row, 1-time ONLY ‘Homer Lee & Friends Variety Show!  It’s a fund-raiser benefiting 3 charities & if full of my talented friends!  You’ll see Clay Cooper, Bob Hubbard, Jamie Haage, Cliff Braschler, Bucky Heard, the Homestead Pickers from Silver Dollar City, Dalena Ditto, Kelly Smith, & many surprises!   Call NOW because all of my shows SELL-OUT!  Then them you know me & get a discount too!

002_spaceballs_blu-rayIt will be on Sunday, September 13th at 3 PM at the Hamners’ Variety Theatre!  Tell them you know me & get a special price!  See you there!

I am making a lot of personal appearances this month…

Monday June 1st I filmed for my new TV show on The Vacation Channel!

Saturday, June 6th I was on KRZK radio with Joshua Clark

Sunday June 7th I was at the Baker Creek Seed Company in Mansfield, MO

Wednesday, June 10th I played ‘Barney Fife’ for the MDA’s fund-raiser ~ ‘Lock-Up’ in Joplin, MO from 10 AM – 3 PM.  

Monday June 22nd I’ll be performing for a PRIVATE party at the Chateau On The Lake!

Wednesday, June 24th & Thursday, June 25th I’ll film a special video for Silver Dollar City!

Monday, June 26th I’ll be performing for a PRIVATE party at the Chateau On The Lake!

Silver Dollar City

New to 2015 we have a new 8 MILLION DOLLAR area for the whole family!  Fireman’s Landing!

Firemans-Landing-2015-Announcement.ashxRight now we are celebrating our ‘Star Spangled Summer’!  Our special guest stars are the Harlem Globetrotters!  


You can find me 5 days a week at Silver Dollar City in my 36th season as 4 characters a day;

In the mornings you can see me greeting all of the guests who arrive on the trams & buses as ‘W.P. Warburnton’ the warden of the flooded mine.

'W.P. Warburton' - SDC's warden at his office

‘W.P. Warburton’ – SDC’s warden at his office


Next you can see me as ‘Colonel Paisley Alowishus Parnell’ the banker.




'Colonel Paisley Parnell'

‘Colonel Paisley Parnell’

Then you’ll see me as ‘Mr. M. Balmer’ the undertaker that I have played since 1985!


'Mr. M. Balmer' SDC's undertaker

‘Mr. M. Balmer’ SDC’s undertaker

And I end the day as ‘Doc Harris’ the genius inventor of the Wild Fire roller coaster!


'Doc Harris' - genius!

‘Doc Harris’ – genius!






















Big Cedar Lodge

I have my own hour-long campfire wagon ride at Big Cedar Lodge 4 nights a week as ‘Deputy Birdy Tweedle’

'Deputy Birdy Tweedle'

‘Deputy Birdy Tweedle’

The Shepherd of the Hills Play

After than I am in the largest outdoor drama in America, The Shepherd of the Hills!  This is our 56th season!   I play 2 characters, ‘Ollie’ the city slicker & ‘Doc’ who’s catchphrase is, What Would Sarah & the girls say?”


Terry Wayne Sanders as 'Doc' on Vigilante 2010

Terry Wayne Sanders as ‘Doc’ on Vigilante 2





The Vacation Channel

This is my 17th year to have my own hour-long TV show on the Vacation Channel called ‘Branson Country’!  I play 8 characters in that hour-long time period.


'/Terry the Tour Guide' on The Vacation Channel - Branson

‘/Terry the Tour Guide’ on The Vacation Channel – Branson



Vacation Channel Logo


The Muscular Dystrophy Association 

This is my 9th season to play ‘Barney Fife’ for the MDA (Muscular Dystrophy Association.   


Joy & 'Barney' at the MDA 'Lock-Up'

Joy & ‘Barney’ at the MDA ‘Lock-Up’












Kelly’s Kountry Junction

For the 4th year in a row I am in another TV show filmed in the Joplin, MO. area!  ‘Kelly’s Kountry Junction’ & I play a multitude of characters.  

A scene from 'Kelly's Kountry Junction'

A scene from ‘Kelly’s Kountry Junction’




 The Baker Creek Seed Company 

My 9th season to be at the Baker Creek Seed Company the 1st Sunday of every month March – September as several characters… Even Shoji Tabuchi’s grandfather, Grandpa Tabuchi!


'Grandpa Tabuchi'

‘Grandpa Tabuchi’





















 Social Media  facebook-logo-300x300












You can find me on Facebook at;

Terry Wayne Sanders

Austin smile:family B_2






Ada Mae

'Miss Ada Mae Wheeler'

‘Miss Ada Mae Wheeler’










& Branson’s Tour Guide

BTG Web Header805





Thanks for checking in with me & I hope to see you some where in my marathon of fun!

Always your buddy,


Terry ‘Homer Lee’ Sanders